1. Don't forget to check our monthly web specials for saving on select skin spa treatments. For the month of June, we are offering:
- $25 off Ultrasonic Facial
- $150 of GentleWaves Treatment
- $15 off Paprika Herbal Facial
3. Summer is a great time for body contouring using Thermage Thermal Skin Tightening. Thermage has no sensitivity to the sun, so it can easily fit into your summer schedule. If you are interested in learning more about Thermage — the non-surgical, FDA-approved procedure for smoothing and contouring skin for an overall younger appearance, sign up for our Free Thermage Seminar on Thursday, June 14 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. at our Duxbury, Massachusetts office. Seating is limited, so call now to reserve a space for you and a friend at 781-934-2200.
For more information, see Dr. Hamori's web site at: christinehamori.com