June 30, 2010

Dr. Hamori Featured in Latest Issue of New Beauty

Dr. Christine Hamori is featured in the Summer/Fall 2010 edition of New Beauty magazine, which is due on newsstands the last week of June. She is profiled as "being in the same demographic" as her patients, and a brief interview with her includes this answer when asked why she does not delegate her procedures and treats each surgical and injectable patient herself...
"I am sensitive to patients’ desires for confidentiality, comfort, convenience and support. My patients have entrusted me to care for them, so I feel it is my responsibility to perform all of my own procedures."
I don't want to be a spoiler, so you'll just have to look for a copy on the newstand the last week of June. Or, stop by and pick up your copy at Dr. Hamori's Duxbury cosmetic surgery practice.

June 08, 2010

Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Top Cosmetic Surgery Wish List

An online survey by RealSelf.com reveals that the top 2 cosmetic surgery treatments among both men and women (if price was no object) are tummy tuck and liposuction. The survey revealed that 40% of women surveyed would like a tummy tuck, while 19 percent of men would favor it (the top answer for both). Second most popular was liposuction with 26% of women responding desiring the treatment, while 18% of men would.

What do you think? If price was no object, what cosmetic surgery would you prefer? See more about these treatments, and view before-and-after photos on Dr. Hamori's web site at:
Liposuction, Liposculpture, Tummy Tuck.

To learn more about the choices people in the survey made, see the results here.

The survey was conducted by Harris Interactive of 2,148 adults on behalf of cosmetic treatment community RealSelf.com. And is reported on by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons on its web site: Interest in Cosmetic Surgery Is Up.