June 02, 2008

Skin Spa News: Cynosure for Leg Veins and Crystal-free Microdermabrasion

Two new technologies offered in the Skin Spa include Cynosure for treatment of leg veins ("spider veins") and DiamondSkin microdermabrasion.

DiamondSkin crystal-free microdermabrasion, like any microdermabrasion, is an effective treatment to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, brown spots, scars and acne blemishes. The DiamondSkin system's advantage over traditional microderm is that it eliminates the adverse effects of loose aluminum-oxide particles and skin irritations.

Cynosure Laser Leg Vein Treatment is our latest laser technology for treatment of visible red, blue or purple leg and facial veins that are the result of sun exposure, use of oral contraceptives, hormone therapy, age or genetics. Cynosure allows better targeting of unwanted veins, while sparing surrounding area. Christine Hamori Cosmetic Surgery + Skin Spa is offering a $150 coupon for leg vein treatment in the month of June in Duxbur. See the web specials page on the web site for more details.